Donor #5684
Donor 5684 is a Non-ID Option donor. He has a creative flair with a determined focus on life. This donor describes himself as a pragmatic optimist, viewing situations with a realistic perspective while still seeing the beauty and creativity in all realms of life. He expresses his creatively by cooking fancy meals and would love to go to culinary school if he had the opportunity. He draws and shares his artwork and is also a voice actor. Stability matters to him and he likes to work hard to get that certainly. He has a quick wit and is charming; he loves making other people smile with his clever, offbeat humor. He says the most admirable quality a person can possess is the ability to recognize your own weaknesses and continually work at becoming the best version of yourself. He has an inviting smile and dark, sleek hair cut stylishly and swept-back. His square jaw and prominent cheekbones give his face a handsome, chiseled appearance. This donor maintains his lean athletic build by hiking and spending time in the great outdoors. He resembles actor Justin Chon.