Donor 6628
Donor 6628 is an artistic man with a warm presence. He is well-versed in the art of music, having created and produced music for over a decade. A recording engineer, he also writes music, raps and harmonizes. He is also a free-lance photographer with an eye for art in everything. This donor feels that honesty is essential, and sees himself as brave. He believes in never giving up and not allowing people to discourage you. This donor is a wise student of life who focuses on self-improvement. He has dark brown, oval-shaped eyes that enhance his golden skin complexion. He has a well-groomed beard that complements his bright, healthy skin. He has straight, gleaming teeth that sparkle in the light. His facial features are calm and charming. His external appearance suggests he has a healthy lifestyle. His friends tell him he looks like the rapper Tupac Shakur (2Pac) and we agree.