Donor Number: 5671
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Donor Category:
ID Graduate
Donor Brand:
Fairfax Cryobank
This donor has been tested for an expanded list of genetic diseases. Colorado-compliant donor
Does not have availability now and we do not expect availability in the future.
Get to know the donor

Donor 5671 is a gifted physicist with a deep affection for learning and discovery. His lifelong pursuit of higher education has allowed him to achieve a doctoral degree. He is excited by the prospect of solving a new problem or finding the missing piece of a puzzle. This donor was greatly influenced by his father, who instilled in him the virtues of patience, honesty and empathy. He believes that there is something to be learned or gained from each and every event in your life, whether good or bad, and that these experiences work to make you a well-rounded person. His neatly-trimmed hair and beard, coupled with his professional attire, make for a studious and scholastic appearance. His pale blue eyes shine with intrigue and allow a glimpse into his creative mind. A love of sailing has given this donor strong arms and a fit physique with a sun-kissed complexion. He looks like football player Aaron Kampman.

(195 cm)
240 lb
(108 kg)
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
Blood Type:
  • Ancestry:Caucasian
  • Ethnic Background:English/English
  • Degree:PhD/Physics
  • Occupation:Computer Scientist
  • Interests:Flying drones, Outdoors, Reading, Sailing, Swimming
  • If there is a YES and you would like to have more information about this donor’s reported pregnancies, please contact Client Services at 800-338-8407 or click the "Click to Chat" button at the top of this page.Pregnancy Reported:Yes
  • Photo Matching:Yes
  • CMV Status:Positive
  • Age Range at Donation:35-39
  • Astrological Sign:Aquarius
  • Favorite Subject:History, Mathematics, Natural Science
  • Religion:Christian (Latter Day Saints)
  • Favorite Pet:Cat
  • Personal Goals:Community Service, Financial Security, Further Education, God/Religion, Improve Environment, Marriage/Family, Rewarding Career, Success, To Be Happy, To Help People, Travel
  • Talents/Hobbies:Camping, Hiking, Reading, Scuba, Swimming
Similar Donors
Height Weight
(187 cm)
188 lb
(85 kg)
Eye Color Hair
Blue Blond/
Skin Tone
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