“We Picked Our Sperm Donor!”
Fairfax Family, Allie, and Sam pick their sperm donor!
We’re back with Fairfax Family, Allie & Sam! Fairfax Cryobank is lucky enough to be apart of their journey to growing their family with donor sperm. It can be intimidating to start your journey to finding the perfect sperm donor. Allie & Sam, we’re overwhelmed. With the help of the Fairfax Cryobank team, they were able to narrow down their search to the best donor for them. Below is an Instagram post by the couple sharing their experience of finding their perfect donor!
From @allieandsam
“Baby update!
You know what’s something you never thought we’d have to do? Pick a sperm donor!
As a little girl, and growing up, I imagined marrying a man who would obviously be able to provide the sperm, but hey, look. I married a woman! So, turns out, we need sperm!
We actually started our fertility journey a long time ago, but we were keeping it to ourselves, so we could go through the process on our own first. We will still be sharing it all, just a little delayed so we can soak up the ups and downs together first.
Anyways, we wanted to share a peek into what’s been the most fun part so far – picking out our donor! (What, Allie? You mean blood tests and ultrasounds aren’t the most fun part?! Shocking!)
Okay, so we didn’t even know HOW to go about finding a donor. We didn’t want anyone we knew personally, so that meant going through a sperm bank. There’s a ton of sperm banks out there, but we went with @fairfaxcryobank for a few reasons. One being their very thorough screening process, and two being the amount of health and background info they provide for each donor. We’re thrilled and confident with the decision to go through them (and they had the donor we love!!).
So, how does it work? Basically you make a @fairfaxcrybank account, select search criteria, browse donors, pick one, and order it to the clinic! It’s a simple process, but it was really (REALLY) tough to decide! (Almost took me back to my Tinder days, but up a million notches!) We spent hours and hours looking through photos, reading personal essays, listening to audio interviews, and seeing who we could imagine being our donor!
Anyways, we found one (and a backup!) that we LOVE! It’s so exciting to imagine a little baby Conway coming from all this!!
We can’t wait to share more about what we’ve been going through fertility-wise so far in 2020, and we will soon!
Also, if you want to get Unlimited Access (that means more photos + lots more!!) on @fairfaxcryobank, use code ALLIEANDSAM for 90 days free!”
Watch their YouTube video below on how they picked their donor!
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