Fairfax Cryobank Attends ASRM 2019 in Philadelphia
This fall the team from Fairfax Cryobank, Fairfax Eggbank, and Genetics & IVF Institute gathered for the annual ASRM conference in Philadelphia, PA. It was a pleasure to meet so many clinic and physician partners face to face and continue to spread the word of Fairfax Cryobank’s diverse selection of sperm donors.
The theme for our space at the ASRM booth was “together we build a family,” a tribute to our partners with clinics and families around the globe. Through our partner’s technology, ASRM conference-goers could share a post on Twitter or Instagram, include the #FairfaxASRM hashtag, and the printers automatically printed a polaroid sticker for the wall. Over the three days, the wall became covered in a beautiful photo mosaic pattern.

We are thankful for those who took time to stop by the booth and say hello, pick up some information, and add a photo to the Fairfax Family gallery wall. Fairfax Cryobank looks forward to joining the ASRM 2020 conference next fall!