Lifetime Photo Sets

June 27, 2011

Blog written by Client Services Staff Nicole

Lifetime Photos and Adult/Childhood Set for many of you seeing an adult picture of the donor is critical in your decision to use that donor. Not many sperm banks offer this service. I hear from many of you everyday about how pleased you are that we provide this opportunity. I am the one who completes orders from those of you who want lifetime and or adult/childhood photographs of donors. About 25% of our donors have these adult photos available. Lifetime photographs are photos of the donor from when the donor was a baby all the way up to his adult hood. The adult/childhood set includes 2 photos; an adult photo and a childhood photo of the donor.

If you want to order Lifetime or Adult/Childhood Photos, here’s what you need to do:

1. Select donors with the camera icon next to his donor number on the donor search. A few donors only have the Adult/Childhood set and no Lifetime set available. (This includes donors 2008, 2470, 2666, 2715, 2729, 2733, 2738, 2740, 2808, 4174, and 4187)

2. Download the consent form on the Forms page online ( A separate signed consent is required for each donor selected. (pp1-2)

3. The final page (page 3) of the consent document has the ordering information. You may order photo sets for one or more donors.

4. Return all pages of the consent form to us. You have the option to do it by mail, scan and email, fax or Fed Ex.

5. I process orders within one business day. If you want them emailed, they go out within 24 hours. Fed Ex and mail take a bit longer. I will call you if I have any questions.

Clients tell me how terrific it is to actually see what the donor looks like beforehand. Consider this when choosing your donor. We are here to help you every step of the way!

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