Life as a Single Mom by Choice

September 11, 2024

By Candice Katherine Febrile, Single Mom Mindset (@candicekatherine)

Life as a single mom by choice is a mixed bag of triumphs, tiny victories, and everyday joys that come with embracing the role of mom, all on your own terms. It’s a path filled with the kind of challenges that transform into proud moments and memories that make the journey uniquely rewarding.

Let’s kick things off with the sheer delight of waking up to a morning that’s tailored just for you and your little one. Imagine starting your day with a breakfast that suits both of you perfectly—pancakes with sprinkles for your tiny human and a strong cup of coffee for you. There’s something wildly liberating about being the sole architect of your mornings, knowing that you can craft a routine that feels just right. The best part? No more negotiating over who gets the last bit of bacon or dealing with the fuss from another adult. You get to savor every bite, every sip, and every giggle.

Another win is the flexibility of your schedule. As a single mom by choice, you get to steer the ship without having to coordinate with another adult. Want to spend the whole day at the park chasing butterflies or building sandcastles? Go for it! Prefer a cozy movie marathon in your pajamas? That’s your call too. There’s no need to compromise or juggle differing schedules—your days can unfold exactly as you envision them. This flexibility allows for spontaneous adventures and impromptu fun, creating cherished memories along the way.

One of the joys of this journey is the unbreakable bond you form with your child. It’s a relationship built on a foundation of shared experiences and deep understanding. When it’s just the two of you, every accomplishment becomes a shared victory. From first words and first steps to school projects and bedtime stories, every milestone is a testament to the love and effort you pour into raising your child. These moments are yours and yours alone, a reminder of the special connection you have with your little one.

Then there’s the quiet satisfaction of knowing that you’re managing it all on your own. Sure, there are days when the laundry piles up and the dishes seem to multiply, but there’s an undeniable pride in looking around and realizing that you’re making it work. The daily grind is a testament to your resilience and resourcefulness. From juggling work, parenting, and household chores, to navigating unexpected hurdles, you become the queen of multitasking. Each day ends with the fulfillment of knowing that you’ve handled it all with grace and determination.

Let’s not forget the joy of creating your own traditions and family rituals. Whether it’s Friday night pizza and a movie, Saturday morning dance parties, or Sunday afternoon baking sessions, you have the freedom to establish traditions that resonate with both you and your child. These rituals become a cherished part of your family’s story, unique to your little unit. They’re a way to celebrate the bond you share and create lasting memories that will be fondly remembered for years to come.

The journey also brings unexpected perks, like the chance to truly understand yourself and your strengths. As you navigate the highs and lows of single parenthood, you discover a wellspring of inner strength you might not have known existed. You become a pro at problem-solving, flexible in your approach, and incredibly resourceful. Every challenge you overcome is a testament to your resilience and an opportunity to grow stronger and more confident.

Of course, there’s also a special kind of joy in watching your child thrive and grow under your sole care. Seeing them learn and develop into their own unique person is a reward like no other. The pride you feel as you watch them succeed, whether it’s in their schoolwork, their friendships, or their hobbies, is a testament to the love and dedication you pour into their upbringing. It’s a reminder that every effort you make is shaping their future in the most positive ways.

In the end, being a single mom by choice is a journey of embracing the beautiful chaos, celebrating the small victories, and finding joy in the everyday moments. It’s about carving out a life that’s uniquely yours and reveling in the love and connection you share with your child. The challenges may be real, but so are the rewards. Each day brings its own set of triumphs, from the little giggles to the big milestones, and it’s these moments that make the journey so incredibly worthwhile.

So here’s to all the single moms by choice out there—celebrate your wins, cherish your moments, and keep embracing the joy of this remarkable journey. You’re doing an amazing job, and the love you give is creating a world of happiness for both you and your child.

Learn more about Fairfax Cryobank resources for Single Moms by Choice here.

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