Massachusetts Women’s Conference: We were there!

December 27, 2012

Blog written by  Suzanne Seitz, MS Genetic Counselor

I was able to represent the Cryobank at this important meeting of ambitious women. There were over 8000 in attendance with many interesting presentations that ranged from mind body awareness to hearing from Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth to the worldly advice of Arianna Huffington. I was able to discuss our sperm bank with many women considering using donor sperm to have a family. I had one wonderful visitor who thanked us for her beautiful child. She chose her donor because of his infectious smile. She said it was a tough time going through the process but had no regrets. Her child was beautiful and everything she had hoped for. We love to her from those of you with successes; it makes us appreciate how important our services are.

To read more about this exciting conference held in Boston on December 6, 2012 visit this link:


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