New Sperm Donors of March
5 new sperm donors were added to Fairfax Cryobank’s donor catalog in March

Get to know the 5 new sperm donors that were added to the Fairfax Cryobank search in March. These donors are a creative bunch with interests spanning from participating in improv to having a passion for visual effects and film production. Learn more below!

ID Donor 6151
Donor 6151 is a hardworking, sensible, and ambitious individual. He keeps busy juggling his job and his studies as he pursues his degree while staying debt free. When he gets a chance to get away from his hectic lifestyle, he enjoys traveling and staying active through yoga, gymnastics, martial arts, and acrobatics. He speaks intelligently and has a friendly personality. Opinionated about the world’s future, he has the drive to make a positive impact. He is tall and athletic, focusing his workouts on feeling healthy, energized, and physically accomplished. He likes to keep his style casual.

Non-ID Donor 5578
Donor 5578 is a sweet and kind person. Always polite and never without a smile, he is also smart and has a great sense of humor. He has proven himself to be a very responsible and prompt individual and has great communication skills. He enjoys many hobbies including woodworking, guitar, doing improv, and playing golf and soccer. He has a voluminous head of blonde hair which he keeps short and swept back stylishly. He has friendly blue eyes that are set deep in his face alongside a tall nose and topped by strong, thick eyebrows. His love of soccer is evident in his tall and lean physique.

Non-ID Donor 5584
Donor 5584 is a kind-hearted man who seeks out learning new things. His demeanor is polite and soft-spoken. A creative man, he is working on a degree in Visual Effects and has been making films for over a decade. In his free time, he likes to hike, do karate, weightlift, and play the guitar. His health matters to him and he has a toned athletic build. He is always very cooperative with the staff and the staff members enjoy working with him. He is tall and lean with long, graceful limbs. His complexion is beautifully tan without trying. He has a delicately shaped face with dark hair and thick bushy eyebrows that sit above dark brown eyes framed by long, dark eyelashes.

ID Donor 6038
Donor 6038 is very down-to-earth and humble. Raised on a family farm, he is passionate about farming and making a difference in feeding the world. He has learned to work hard and approaches everything in life with a can-do attitude. Helping others is important; he is a proud member of the National Guard. He is a good listener, and he likes to be there for his friends and family. Working with his family on the farm is important to him. In his free time, he likes to be a handyman fixing trucks, hunting, weightlifting, and staying fit. He is broad-shouldered and well put together. He is a farmer, and his physique shows how active he is. He keeps his hair short and tight and stays clean-shaven. He has brown hair that is complimented nicely by his hazel eyes. This donor has a strong jaw and classic good looks.

ID Donor 6276
Donor 6276 is a charismatic, outgoing man with a passion for his work in sales. His gregarious, disarming nature allows him to make friendly conversation with nearly anyone. He is very athletic and has played a variety of sports since he was a young child. He loves to stay active by taking frequent weekend hiking trips with his dog and girlfriend. He comes from a tight-knit Italian family, and he is especially close to his father, whom he views as a coach and role model. He has an athletic build that he maintains by hiking and playing sports. He has a warm, healthy complexion that tans easily in the summer sun. His kind, hazel eyes are framed by straight, dark brows and thick eyelashes. He keeps his dark brown hair trimmed short and neat, and his well-groomed beard and moustache define his jawline and give him a polished, masculine appearance.
With over 300 sperm donors to choose from Fairfax Cryobank is ready to assist you find your perfect match! Start your donor search today.