Personal connection

June 25, 2012

Blog written by Fairfax Cryobank Laboratory Director Michelle Ottey, PhD.

In a recent survey of current and retired donors, we found that 53% of the men indicated that they know someone with social or medical infertility and that was a motivating factor in their decision to become a sperm donor.

This number stunned me. I thought that some of the men would have this experience, but 53%, that I did not expect. I knew that I wanted to share this information. I am working with several other staff members to present data from the donor survey at the next American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) meeting in the fall, but I also thought it was important to get some of this data out to our patients.

Fairfax Cryobank Blog

If you are comfortable talking about your experience with men you know, I would encourage you to encourage them to consider becoming a sperm donor so that other families can be created where there is need. If you know healthy, educated men who would be willing to make a commitment to living healthy and donating, you can share the following link with them: If they are close to one of our collection labs, they could become a part of the donor program.


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