Rigorous Testing Standard

June 12, 2017

Infectious Disease Evaluation:

Two techniques are used to detect infectious disease. Serological testing, the industry standard, looks for the presence of the body’s reaction (antibodies) to an infection. The other methodology, extensively utilized at Fairfax Cryobank is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing (also called NAT for Nucleic acid Testing), a far more sensitive method which uses molecular genetic techniques to identify for the presence of the DNA of the infecting agent. Click here for a current list of infectious screening tests performed on our donors.


Medical and Genetic Evaluation:

Each applicant has a complete physical examination and their medical and genetic history is evaluated by a clinical geneticist. It is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of genetic conditions and genetic inheritance in order to provide the best possible donor screening for inherited conditions. Fairfax Cryobank provides the expertise of board-certified clinical geneticists in evaluation of the donor’s medical and family history as well as reviewing the test results of the extensive genetic screening performed on all sperm donor applicants. Any applicant with a family history that places him at higher than normal risk of transmitting a genetic condition is rejected. For the current list: Genetic Disease Testing.


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