Valentine’s Day Sperm Donor Quiz

February 09, 2011

Blog written by Director of Client Development Michael Buuck, MS

I recently took an online quiz called “How well do you know your sweetheart”. No, my wife didn’t make me take the quiz and I am not the type of person who participates in online love quizzes or answers e-mailed questionnaires from friends. This quiz intrigued my interest because I work at a Cryobank and often tell people that they will know more information on the sperm donor than they would ever know about their partner or best friend. Luckily, I scored well and knew my wife’s favorite food “seafood”, her favorite holiday destination “beach” and her greatest joy “being a mom”.

However, these were basic questions that you should have known about my significant other. When I added some questions asked of sperm donors and included the additional information provided to recipients, I didn’t do so well on the quiz. See how well you actually know your partner or best friend by comparing your answers to theirs for the following questions:

1) What did their grandparents do for a living?

2) What is their blood type?

3) If they could have dinner with anyone (past or present) who would it be and why?

4) What was the funniest thing to ever happen to them?

If you have a significant other, you are expected to know that person well. Exactly how well you know that person depends on how much detail you want to know.

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