Petersmith Family – Testimonial

May 21, 2020

“We used Fairfax to build our family and we couldn’t be happier! The whole process is streamlined and secure, we felt supported every step of the way, and though it was a more expensive option than some of the other banks we considered, we knew the quality and customer service at Fairfax was well worth the investment in our future family. The extensive testing they do to ensure quality donors is unmatched at other places we searched. And whenever we had a question or concern they were there to answer our calls and ease our nerves. We had one round of IVF and 5 viable embryos resulted, with 1 resulting in our first baby girl and 4 frozen at our local bank for future use. Thank you Fairfax for making our dream a reality!”

Lesbian couple holding their baby boy

– The Petersmith Family

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