What is an ID Donor?
Find out more about Fairfax Cryobank’s ID Donor program

Within the last few decades, the interest from families and donor conceived offspring to know the identity of their sperm donor has drastically increased. In 2005, Fairfax Cryobank started the ID Donor program which offers donors to sign an agreement that allows offspring conceived by their donor sample access to their identifying information once the offspring is 18 years old*. Whether it be for personal or medical reasons, this allows the donor conceived offspring the option to communicate with their sperm donor once they’ve become a legal adult.
Many ID Donor programs at other sperm banks require mediation between the donor and offspring, or give donors the opportunity to decline sharing their identifying information. At Fairfax Cryobank, we release the information directly to the offspring, upon request, as we believe they should have the chance to reach out when they are ready, in a way in which they are comfortable. Our agreement with the donor states that once they declare themselves as an ID Donor, they will remain an ID Donor.

When a donor conceived offspring completes the request for information with the Cryobank, our staff will reach out to the donor to inform them that there has been a request for their information, to confirm the contact information, and to ask if the donor has a preferred method of contact. The Cryobank will then share the contact information and preferred method, if relevant, with the offspring. They will receive all identifying information (full name, DOB, addresses, etc.) which are requested to be updated yearly by the donor.
Today, about 45% of our available donors are ID Donors. Before 2005, all donors were anonymous, but Non-ID Donors now have the option to release their identifying information. Non-ID donors simply need to contact the Cryobank and complete a notarized form consenting to release of their information upon request from a donor conceived individual who is 18 or older. In addition, Fairfax Cryobank is now only recruiting for ID donors, implemented in early 2020.
*Birth must be registered with Fairfax Cryobank using the Birth Registration Form.
Check out these current ID Donors!
More resources about the ID Donor program:
Fairfax Cryobank ID Donor Program